Passive Income
Passive Income:
How to
Make $10 a Day in 2020
The cost of living consists of rent/mortgage, food, transportation, utilities (electricity, gas, hydro), mobile phone plan, and the internet. These are all necessities. Oh, and, of course, there’s the occasional shopping for clothes. In any case, these costs add up quickly.
What if you can generate passive income of $10 a day in 2020 to help offset these costs? Don’t take the $10 lightly. In the span of a year, $10 a day adds up to $3,650, and it can easily cover your cell phone plan and perhaps even your internet and utility bills.
How can you make $10 a day without working?
The simple answer is to use money to make money — in other words, investing.
Some people rent out properties to earn rental income. You’ll earn more than $10 a day for sure. However, you’ll be carrying debt, which may weigh on you. Moreover, it’s not genuine passive income if you need to handle requests from tenants, such as getting the toilet fixed
A dividend stock with a 5% yield
All you have to do is buy the shares and hold them. It requires no additional work on your part! After buying shares, you rely on the wonderful businesses to continue churning out profits or cash flows to pay you safe dividends. The time elapsed will allow your money (i.e., your investment) to compound, rolling bigger and bigger over time.
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