Health Benefits of Working From Home
4 Health Benefits of
Working From Home
Remote work isn't a fad -- a large number of companies let employees do
it, whether on a partial or full-time basis. If your employer has yet to be
swayed by the perks of remote work, you may want to bring up the fact that
doing your job from home could help keep you healthier, thereby resulting in
less downtime and better output. Here are a few health benefits you might reap
by working from home.
1. More sleep
An estimated 74% of U.K. workers get less than the recommended eight
hours of sleep each night
t2. No more stressful commute
This is especially true if you drive to work and are perpetually dealing
with traffic. Too much commute-related stress can be harmful to your health,
especially if you have an underlying condition like high blood pressure. But
when you work from home, the only commute you have to deal with is the walk
from your bedroom to wherever your workstation or office is.
3. Access to healthier food
Many workers are rushed in the morning, and as such find it difficult to
prepare healthy meals to take to the office. One advantage of doing your job
from home is that you'll have access to your kitchen throughout your workday.
This means that when you start feeling hungry, you'll have the option to grab
some fruits or veggies rather than resort to the bag of chips or candy bar you
stuffed into your backpack on your way out the doo
5. Germ avoidance
it's due to a lack
of paid sick time. For others, it's a matter of not wanting to fall behind.
Either way, working in an office means constant exposure to other people's
germs, especially in situations where you're stuck in closed-door meetings for
hours on end. When you work from home, on the other hand, you don't have to
deal with officewide germs and therefore may be less likely to get sick.
Similarly, if you commute via public transportation, avoiding buses and trains
could keep an even larger array of unwanted germs at bay.
Working from home
can clearly be good for your health. If your company has yet to adopt a remote
work policy, it pays to argue the benefits from a wellness perspective. The
healthier your company's employees are, the better the job they stand to do.
Make that case effective, and you just might change your boss' mind about
letting you work from home.
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